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  • Writer's pictureLouise Collins

We Can't Breathe

"I can't breathe."

Three words.

Three simple words.

Three heartbreaking words.

Three words that sparked a movement.

An innocent black man was murdered.



Cops held him down

Whilst he gasped

For breath.

And you expect

Us to stay


They can't breathe

As they mourn the murder

Of their family members.

As they see their mothers,

Sisters, fathers, brothers,

Aunts, uncles, cousins

Get killed unjustly.

They can't breathe

As they see cops

Watching their every move

As they buy groceries.

They can't breathe

As they get pulled over

By a white cop,

Not knowing if he is

Nice or not.

Not knowing if these

Are going to be

Their last moments


We can't breathe

Whilst innocent

Black brothers and sisters

Are being killed

By those who are meant to

'Serve and protect'.

But I guess that motto

Only applies to you

When you're white.

Because when you're white,

You look like them.

When you're white,

You're 'not a threat'.

When you're white,

You don't have to stand up

Against oppression





We can't breathe

Knowing that

Us white people

Can protect our neighbours.

Our friends.

Our family.

We have the privilege

To be able to walk

Without the fear of

Being killed.

So we should walk.

We can't breathe

Not acting against injustice.

You gave us books

About revolutions.

About corrupt governments and

Evil institutions that

Preyed on the underprivileged.

We admired

Katniss, Harry and Tris.

We felt inspired

As they made a stand.

So how can you

Sit there and

Expect us

Not to be furious?

How can you

Expect us

Not to


"I can't breathe."

The people chant

As they take to the streets.

The murder of George Floyd

Acted as the match

Which ignited the

Ever growing bomb

Of frustration and anger

Of years of oppression

And brutality.

We can't breathe

As the power hungry

And abusive cops

Throw tear gas into the

Crowd of peaceful protesters.

They can't breathe as they're

Pinned down by four cops each,

Simply for standing with their

Hands up.

Don't you see?

They're not the problem.

How can you breathe,

Knowing that this is all happening?

How can you breathe,

Whilst supporting a system

That instigates violence against those

Who need help?

How can you breathe,

Knowing that you have chosen the

Side of the oppressor?

Until the world is put right,

Until black brothers and sisters

Don't have to fight

To be treated as our equals,

How can you breathe?

Because them?

They can't breathe.

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